Top Tips For Learner Drivers

Great Tips For Learner Drivers
Often, turning 17 means one thing for many people- being able to learn to drive. But learning to drive can be a stressful, time-consuming and financially draining experience. It can often be a scary, overwhelming and difficult process, no matter what age you learn.
But for most of us, driving is a necessity. To help you as much as possible with the wheel in your hands and without, here are some helpful tips that will help you pass your driving test as quickly as possible.
Get Ahead Of The Game
It pays to know the basics before your first lesson. The chances are that someone close to you owns a car, so get them to show you the key parts before you hand over money to an instructor. The quicker you know the basic workings of a car, the further your money will go when it comes to paying by the hour. This also allows your instructor to expand on your knowledge rather than have to teach you from scratch.
You can also get a head start with your driving by understanding what the best way to acquire a vehicle is once you pass. Car Finance is often the go to solution for students or young people who may not have generated a strong credit score by the time they pass. You can learn more about our bad credit car finance here.
Book Your Lessons in Bulk
No minimum number of lessons are required to pass your test and there is no fixed time frame for learning to drive. Many people spend longer than they hoped to learning to drive. By booking your lessons in bulk you can often get the most cost effective option as well as removing the stress of continuously having to stay on top of individual payments.
If you decide to spread out your lessons, we suggest block booking them with at least one or two lessons per week for weeks in advance. This way you’ll remember more going into each lesson and you won’t have to worry about the availability of your instructor.
Decide What The Best Option For You Is
Although people are encouraged to at least try to learn to drive in a manual car, it is not for everybody. Many people now opt to learn to drive in an automatic car, as they find it easier. If the necessity is just to drive, automatic cars can often be the quickest route to passing your test.
However, be aware that if you get an automatic driving license, you will not be permitted to drive a manual car.
Your Instructor Knows Best
Professional driving instructors know exactly what examiners look for during a practical driving test. Therefore, their advice on everything driving related is invaluable. If something seems excessive or stupid, its necessary, so implement it into your learning regardless.
Study Your Theory As Soon As Possible
Learner drivers are unable to take their practical driving test until they have passed their driving theory test. There are so many different apps and websites that have practice exams, complete question lists, hazard detection mocks and many other resources that are worth using before you start your lessons and as you learn.
It won’t hurt to learn the theory from the start in your own time. It can only benefit your road knowledge and chances of passing.
Don’t Let Mistakes Get You Down
Mistakes are inevitable but you shouldn’t dwell on them or let them bother your driving experience. Whether it be stalling the vehicle under pressure or getting a manoeuvre wrong, it is important to remain calm in these situations and not to worry about what other drivers think. Just like you, they have been in exactly the same situation and should fully empathise. If they don’t, you’ll probably never see them again, so who cares!
Some mistakes will also go unpunished on driving tests providing you rectify them and react in a safe and proper way. Practise responding in a calm way and learn what mistakes are crucial to avoid and which ones a test will overlook.
Test When You’re Ready
Don’t beat yourself up if you fail once or even multiple times. Take any feedback on board so you won’t make the same mistake next time. So many people fail their first test. The key is to test once you and your driving instructor both believe you are ready to do so. Don’t rush, you may be desperate to drive but it will put you a few steps behind if you rush and fail. If you do fail, don’t worry!
Just book your next test right away. Leaving it too long between tests may result in you forgetting certain things and end up costing you more money on further lessons and tests.
Your test doesn’t teach you everything. You’ll face plenty of new situations all the time, such as motorways, city centre driving and difficult manoeuvres. Therefore, it’s important you do not dismiss all you have learnt and that you approach each new situation with the same careful thinking and execution that you applied in your test.