What New Drivers Should Consider When Buying a Car - Car Finance Genie

What New Drivers Should Consider When Buying a Car

What New Drivers Should Consider When Buying a Car

Just passed? Congratulations! Looking ahead with a test in mind? Well prepared! Just finally getting round to buying a car? Well, whatever your situation, we have you covered. So first things first, decide between new and used.

Is a New Car a Good Option?

Theres very few feelings like holding the keys to your first car. Everyone remembers theirs, just as a family member! That’s why it’s so important to make sure your first car is remembered for the right reasons. This guide helps make sure that you end up with a safe, suitable, reliable and affordable first car, but most importantly, a car you love.

New doesn’t necessarily mean more expensive! New doesn’t always mean dearer. Often the payment options around buying a new car mean even where they are more expensive than a used model, not having to pay all in one hit means it’s a better option financially. There are also lots of benefits and reassuring extras that come with buying a new car such as up to date safety systems.

New cars also come with a longer warranty to cover you for breakdowns and repairs, which is not the same for second-hand vehicles, meaning less security and possible bills eating into your savings.

Finance deals

Financing a car is a fantastic option for buying your first car. Here at Car Finance Genie, we strive to try and accept your car finance applications. Being able to pay over a course of up to seven years is often people’s biggest incentive to choosing car finance as an option for their first car. Often, saving a large amount of money is difficult, especially for young people or students.

You can read more about our car finance options here or head over and apply directly today here!

The Insurance Problem

One of the main setbacks about owning a car is the often hefty, hidden costs that come with it. Insurance being a large example in this, especially for young new drivers. Insurance premiums are so high that it can often put drivers off learning to drive until they have a higher amount of savings. Cars are given an insurance grouping from 1-50 based on the performance, price, safety, security and cost of repairing. If you go for a car that has a good rated group you should have a lower insurance premium, meaning these are the best cars to go for if you are keeping an eye on expenses.

There are also a few useful methods that can potentially lower the premium on your car, such as insuring a second driver (this used to bring insurance down but has recently been putting some people’s insurance up – so be careful and compare costs with and without a second driver), setting a high excess (the amount you contribute to repair claims) and of course the black box insurance can bring down your insurance costs as a reward for being a careful and considerate driver.

Safety first

You are more likely to receive the latest safety kit in a newer car model, meaning you will have a more reliable and secure vehicle for your first car. Any current model should also have anti-lock brakes. Safety features that are essential such as front and rear airbags are always included in new models but could be removed or faulty in used cars. With something as important as an airbag, to find out their faulty too late could hold serious consequences.

The newer the car model, the more optional safety features your new car should have, too. For example, rearview cameras, reversing sensors, oncoming car sensors and adaptive headlights. A first car should be as safe as possible to leave you, the driver, as comfortable and at ease on the road as possible.

Stay Ahead of the Game

It is always best to do the research and check the reliability of the vehicle that you are interested in. Read reviews, listen to customer opinions. Are there any red flags with the car you think might affect you? Also think about how to make yourself safer behind the wheel, by looking into schemes such as follow up courses to enhance your driving experience beyond your basic test.

Looking for your first car today?

Come and have a look at our vehicle stock today to see if we have anything you think might suit you!